Areola Restoration & Mastectomy Tattooing
Aisling Mahon is Ireland's only Tattoo Artist specialising in areola restorative tattooing and decorative mastectomy tattooing. Tattooing for 10 years has given Aisling a depth of knowledge of scar tissue and working delicately to create the perfect restorative tattoo for each client.
Restorative tattooing can only be done one year after the last surgery. This gives the scars the right amount of time to heal on all levels, before we tattoo over them.
Bookings are currently open for restorative tattooing. These tattoos are done using tattoo ink so will not require top ups. They soften over time creating an even more realistic look.
Prices vary depending on each client. Please contact Aisling below with any questions.
Mastectomy Restorative Tattooing 2023:
Areola Restorative Tattooing - €450 - €600
Decorative Mastectomy tattooing - €600 - €1500**
**Depending on size and detail

Why choose a tattoo artist vs a non tattoo artist ?
Do you want an artist that has over a decade experience tattooing scar tissue on the body?
Or someone that has only tattooed the face and taken a weekend course?
Please do your research before trusting someone with a very important job. The results will reflect the skill. Pro tip, ask for healed photos of the work.
Over the years a regular part of my practice has been fixing bad "nipple tattoos". Done by non tattoo artists that simply do not have enough experience dealing with scar tissue.
The photo here you can see the purple scar area. Where a non tattoo artist caused a full circle of scarring , rather than a nipple. Beside it you can see the realistic 3D nipple tattoo I created.
My aim is to create awareness. Of course they are well intended always. But that does not mean the practitioners creating these are not doing harm. So please empower yourself by researching.

Read through some of my clients experience.