Cancellation Policy
Please read before booking.
Our Policy
A booking fee of €100 is payable for every booking, unless specified otherwise. (Excluding areola restorative tattooing)
Booking fee’s are non refundable and non transferable.
Appointments are not confirmed without booking fee.
Once offered a date, we can hold for 24 hours without booking fee, after this with no payment we will release the slot and give to the next person waiting.
Cancelations made within 48 hours will result in a loss of the booking fee. And another will be required to book again.
If you need to rescheduled do so before 48 hours. We can accommodate one rescheduling per booking fee.
Cancellations within 24 hours will require 50% of the tattoo amount you were booked for. If this is not paid you will no longer be offered an appointment.
Reduction of booking (time or budget) must be given notice to the artist 48 hours prior to appointment to accommodate artists schedule.
Thank you for your understanding.
AM Tattoo Studio Ltd